Oct 11, 2017
Puppulamp innovative design

We like to share a piece of news published by Guidasicilia that bets on the future of international design. It writes about us and our Puppulamps, along with other...

Oct 11, 2017
Puppulamp on Advertiser

Adviser.it writes about us, our Puppulamps and new talents in the designer world. More

Oct 02, 2017
New Puppulamp are coming

New Pupplamps are coming, a new and colored collection designed to satisfy eclectic and sophisticated requirements of style. After Milano Design Week, we have started working immediately and our...

Oct 02, 2017
Ornythos at Fuorisalone 2017

Milano 04-09 April 2017 Ornythos will attend Milano Design Week from April 04th to 09th in the spaces of Superstudio Group, Via Tortona, 27. Our “Puppulamps” have been selected...

Oct 02, 2017
Puppulamp on eBay

SPECIAL PRICE FOR DESIGN WEEK 2017 ONLY! During the Design Week, held in Milano from April 4th to 9th 2017, eBay and Superstudio Group created a special showcase dedicated...